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Opening Lines…

The first line sets the tone, tells you what kind of world you’re in, what sort of story you’re setting yourself up for–hopefully, grabs your interest. Book, movie, graphic novel…blog. Do you put the story down, find something else to watch? Or, do you find a comfy chair, settle in and grab the popcorn? A great opening line can elevate a great story to the level of artistic masterwork for all time, set it among the stars of the firmament, and ensure massive movie rights! Or not.

What exactly am I doing here? I’m trying to engage with the conversation.

I’ve spent many years reading, watching, and consuming. This is my first step in trying to build, create, and contribute. I’ve wanted for some time to transition away from my current job to something more creative, specifically to be a “writer”. I’ve spent the last couple years trying to improve my skillset, and going to school to get my Masters degree as a means to do so. And one of the skills I need to develop, besides just regular practice, is the simplbe act of putting my words out there and participating.

But why a blog?

A transition is reshaping the current internet. The existing social networking stratum is falling apart. Several hopeful plucky replacements are laying out their welcome mats (or beta wait lists). This transition is probably going to disrupt some of the flowering communities that rely on the existing Twitter (X?), Facebook, etc. It will also probably create new opportunities within some of these new networks to become a bigger part of the new communities as they grow.

What is apparent from all of this is the danger of relying too much on these apps to own and house the global conversation. So much beautiful knowledge and creativity is dissolving, as the network that was relied upon to house it falls apart. Our mistake was assuming these networks as anything more than ephemeral facilitators of communication.

So these are my opening lines. This blog is not artistic mastery. It is not destined for a place in the firmament. But it is mine.